How to add missing evidence to transactions?

All transactions that do not have a category and/or additional evidence added will be labeled as 'missing proof'.

How to check for uncategorized transactions or transactions without associated evidence:

  1. From the Menu, click on Expenses.
  2. Click on the Missing Proof tab (where all transactions without category and/or added evidence are listed).

Debit transactions (payments made)

| App

  1. Select the corresponding transaction;
  2. Categorize the transaction;
  3. Click on Add Missing Proof;
  4. Here, you can either a) take a photo of the receipt, or b) select, from your phone, the relevant photo or file associated with that transaction.

| Desktop

  1. Select the corresponding transaction and a pop up will open on the right side.
  2. Categorize the transaction.
  3. Click on Add proof or receipt.
  4. Here, you can upload, from your computer, the relevant photo or file associated with that transaction.

Credit transactions (payments received)

| App

    1. Select the corresponding transaction.
    2. Categorize the transaction.
    3. Click on Add Missing Proof.
    4. Here, you can either a) take a photo of the receipt, or b) select, from your phone, the relevant photo or file associated with that transaction.

| Desktop

    1. Select the corresponding transaction.
    2. Categorize the transaction.
    3. Click on Add proof or receipt..
    4. Here, you can upload, from your computer, the relevant photo or file associated with that transaction.

For invoice payments, Rauva can automatically match the invoice to the payment (if the customer has entered the unique reference code in their payment).

If this matching is not done automatically, you can:

  1. Click on Add Missing Proof;
  2. Choose the document that corresponds to the invoice and enter the invoice number associated with the payment. For example: "45."

    Rauva will identify and match the invoice in question, and the details will be visible in the transaction.

You can add a maximum of three files and photos for each transaction.

In both cases, it is crucial to add a category to the transaction. Otherwise, it will continue to be considered Missing Proof.

What if I don't have an evidence to support a transaction?

If you don’t have supporting documents, marking the transaction as having 'no evidence' facilitates timely closing of your monthly books and prevents any complications and delays at the end of the fiscal year.

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