What are the additional services offered by Rauva's accountants?

To create a company in Portugal, these are the steps to follow

  1. Get a NIF (Portuguese tax identification number). Rauva can also assist in obtaining this for you;
  2. Get a social security number (NISS). In Portugal, employers are obliged to get the NISS;
  3. Documents required:
  • Scan of the passport/ identification card;
  • Taxpayer identification number in an origin country;
  • Bank statement to confirm the legality of the income.

If you live outside of the European Union, you'll need a tax representative

A tax representative in Portugal is a mandatory requirement for non-EU residents who have financial ties or business activities in the country. This representative, who must be resident in Portugal, acts as a liaison between the non-resident individual or business and the Portuguese tax authority. Their role includes ensuring compliance with Portuguese tax laws, handling communications, and managing tax obligations like returns and payments. Non-EU residents starting a business or applying for a NIF (Portuguese tax identification number) typically need a fiscal representative. The cost for such services can vary, but they are crucial for maintaining legal and fiscal compliance. Rauva can assist in obtaining a tax representative, simplifying this aspect for non-EU clients starting a business in Portugal.

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