What's included with Rauva?

Rauva, as Portugal's first business super-app, offers a comprehensive range of services for entrepreneurs

Company Creation

Launch your new company with the support of licensed attorneys and guidance from experienced entrepreneurs. Receive your business kickoff toolkit explaining what is required legally, what to expect next, and how to keep your company compliant moving forward.

Business Account

Open a Supercharged Rauva Business Account directly after creating your company, ensuring compliance and the ability to make payments and send certified invoices. This must be done within 15 days after the company is incorporated for an LDA.

Certified Accountant

Get your certified accountant appointed and be compliant from day 1. Fulfilling your monthly and annual bookkeeping and tax obligations. This must be done within 15 days after the company is incorporated for an LDA.

Certified Invoices Software

Through your Rauva account you can send certified e-invoices. Everything embedded on your phone. With connection to the tax portal.

Expense Management Tool

A user-friendly app to organize and track expenses, categorize transactions, and automate the matching of invoices with transactions.

Insights and Education

Access all business insights and educational resources in one comprehensive dashboard to boost your business.

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