Financial Transactions
I need to do a loan to my company. How can I do that? In what terms i can refund? I need to pay taxes? Can I charge interest?
As a shareholder, you can make any loans you want to your company. However, for each loan, you must make a supply contract (draft will be made available for help) that will serve as accounting and tax support. When you see fit, you can repay this loan in the proportion and installments you deem most convenient. For each return, you must also have a loan repayment contract, which will serve as accounting and tax support. You should note that if you wish to withdraw any amount of this advance within a period of less than one year, you will have to pay stamp duty, which will be 0.04% for each month that has elapsed between the loan period and the date you wish to make the return and is levied on the amount you wish to return.
Can I withdraw money from the company?
You can withdraw up to the amount of money you have put into the company without paying extra tax. Above that, you'll have to pay an extra tax of 28% because it's considered to be a dividend withdrawal.
What kind of document should I not upload as evidence?
It is important to upload evidence, but the evidence must be fiscally accepted documents. Documents such as delivery notes or purchase orders are not fiscally accepted.
Different tax rates for expenses with and without evidence
Expenses with evidence reduce your profit and are subject to a tax rate of 17% or 21%. On the other hand, expenses without evidence may be subject to additional payments through an additional rate, which could be 50% or 70%