How can I put my taxes on autopilot with Rauva?

Only possible for freelancer accounts.

The first step is opening the Rauva app or if you don't have an account yet, opening an account with Rauva

Once in the app, you will need to download the proof of your IBAN. 

Here is how:

  1. Once inside the app you will click on account details and download your proof of Iban. Keep this handy, you will need it in a future step. 

Next you will go to e-balcão:

  1. Select: Registar Nova Questão (bottom right corner).
  2. Choose: 
  • Imposto ou área: Registo Contribuinte
  • Tipo de Questão: Atividade
  • Questão: NIB/IBAN
  1. At the very bottom of the screen on this page you will see that it asks “Alguma destas responde às suas dúvidas?” Which means, “Did we answer your question?” 

    You will click: No/Não 

A form will show below this. 

  1. Once the form appears, you will add the following information: 
  • Assunto (Subject): IBAN 
  • Mensagem (Message): Proof of IBAN 
  • Then click on Procurar (to search) and upload the PDF with the IBAN proof you got from the Rauva App.  
  • Finally click on Registar Questão (Submit)

Now that you have submitted the proof of your IBAN to the tax authorities, it is time to set up your direct debit! 

  1. Stay logged in to the tax authorities website and use this link to go to the direct.  
  2. At the top of the screen use the search bar and enter “débito direto”. 
    • Click on the first option.
  3. Then click on“Pedido de Adesão”.
  4. Click on “Novo Pedido de Adesão” on the bottom right corner.
  5. Then choose the desired finality from the drop-down list.
  6. To submit your request.
    • Enter your Rauva IBAN 
    • Swift code 

  1. Choose your tax autopilot payments
  2. After submitting your request, you have to set your preferences for the direct debit: 
    • You will select which taxes you would like to pay.
    • How long you authorize the direct debit. 
    • The maximum Euro amount allowed for the transfers. 
    • Select whether you want to make a single payment (called “Pagamento Pontual” in Portuguese) or if you will allow recurring debits and which types of taxes you will allow to be debited.
      • This can be important, for instance, for company income tax (IRC) or for property tax, you have the option to pay all at once or in multiple installments.

You are notified about your upcoming payments 15 days in advance

After choosing the taxes you want to pay, you’re all set! You can expect the tax authorities to notify you 15 days prior to the direct debit of your taxes moving forward. The message will include the amount and the date of the direct debit.

You are auto enrolled in the date that your taxes will be deducted, so keep note of the date as you cannot change it.  

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