Multi Account Access

What is Multi Account Access?

Multi Account Access at Rauva is the ability to access multiple Rauva company accounts, all through our app, on the same device. Please note that each account needs to be connected to a company or freelancer activity. This does not allow you to hold multiple accounts under the same company.

Who is Multi Account Access for?

Multi Account Access is for anyone with more than one Rauva company or freelancer account.

How do I create a new Rauva account?

To create a new account linked to a company or freelancer activity, you just need to follow these steps:

  1. Tap the arrow at the top of the screen (next to the company name you already have there).
  2. Select the option Create new business account and then click Continue.
  3. Enter First Name, Last Name, and Mobile Number, accept the Privacy Terms, and Continue.
  4. Provide the Company Name and Continue.
  5. Provide the Company's VAT Number or NIF number and Continue.
  6. If everything is correct, a message will appear indicating that We are processing your information.
  7. To switch between accounts for the first time, you need to log in again.

How do I switch accounts?

To switch accounts in Rauva, simply tap the arrow next to your company name or personal name at the top of the dashboard. If you have other accounts connected to your user, you will be able to see them there.

Select the one you want and click Continue.

What if the accounts I am part of do not show there?

This likely means that the other account is not connected to your user, meaning they are linked to a different name, phone number, and device. If this happens, please contact the support team to resolve it through the app, on Menu Support.

Alternatively, you may not have created the additional Rauva account.

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