Is it possible to cancel a transfer?

No. Once a transfer order is given, it enters the complex banking processing flow and becomes impossible to cancel.

  • SEPA transfers: These can take up to 3 business days, but are usually completed within 1 day.
  • Instant transfers: These are processed immediately, which reinforces the impossibility of cancellation.

However, in cases of actual error (e.g., transfer to an incorrect recipient), a reversal can be requested. The answer to a reversal request can take up to 3 weeks to be as it envolves multiple entities.

I have a pending transfer. Can I cancel this transfer and make a new one to speed up the process?

No, and it would be counterproductive. Especially if the transfer is to the same recipient, the likelihood of it becoming pending again is very high, resulting in an even longer wait.

It is crucial to ensure that the recipient's details are correct before initiating the transfer. The IBAN and the recipient's name must be correctly entered to ensure faster processing.

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