Open Banking Payments

What are Service Payments with Rauva?

Service payments are Multibanco Reference payments made through Open Banking Payments. This means the payment is made from another bank account that you have connected to Rauva and is initiated through Rauva.

What if I don’t have another bank account?

Unfortunately, if you don’t have another account, you cannot make a Service payment with Rauva.

What other accounts can I use?

You can find the list of available banks in the list provided when you confirm the payment when you initiate a payment to an entity.

Why can’t I see the transaction?

You likely can’t see the transaction for two reasons:

  • The account you made the payment with is not connected. You can connect it by following these instructions.
  • The connection has not refreshed yet. Although you are connected to the account, the connection refreshes around every 7 hours, meaning the payment will appear after that time.

Why can’t I make a service payment to the state?

Multibanco payments to the state are not possible at this time, but we are working on it!

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