
When will I be billed?

You’ll be charged on the 1st of every month for your plan.

The only exception is your first payment, which depends on your plan:

  • Supercharged Plan: Your first invoice is paid when you sign the contract and covers the first 30 days from activation.
  • Charged Plan: Your first month is free (trial period). Your first charge happens one month after you start your plan.

Why is my first charge different from my plan price?

Your first charge is not for a full month — it’s adjusted based on how many days are left in the month when you’re charged for the first time.

After that, you’ll always pay the full plan price on the 1st of every month. If you have extra services, those will be added to your bill.

Example — Supercharged plan

Your first invoice, paid upon contract signature, covers the first 30 days from plan activation.

  • If your plan starts on January 17, your first payment covers January 17 – February 16
  • On February 17, you will be charged only for the remaining days of February
  • From March 1st onward, you will be charged the full plan price on the 1st of every month.

Example — Charged plan

The first month is free (trial period).
  • If your trial starts on January 17, it will go until February 16
  • On February 17, you will be charged only for the remaining days of February
  • From March 1st onward, you will be charged the full plan price on the 1st of every month.

What payment methods are available?

Payments are made via Direct Debit from your Rauva account, and there are currently no other payment options available.

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