Invoicing sequences

To create a new invoicing sequence, simply follow the steps outlined below.

It is not mandatory to create a new invoicing sequence for each calendar year, and therefore a new sequence is not automatically created with the start of a new year. However, a new sequence can be created manually if needed.


  1. Access Menu -> Invoices
  2. Click on Settings, located at the top-right corner of the screen
  3. Click on Manage Sequence
  4. Select Create New Sequence
  5. Give the sequence a name and, finally, click Create

| Desktop

  1. Go to
  2. Click on Invoices on the left side of the page
  3. Navigate to the Settings tab
  4. Click on Invoice sequences
  5. Select Create New invoice sequences
  6. Enter a name for the series
  7. Check the box Set as Default invoice sequences
  8. Finally, click Create New invoice sequences
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