What it is and how to setup the automatic communication of documents to the Tax Authority

With the automatic communication to the Tax Authority setup, all documents (invoices, invoice-receipts, credit notes, and other documents) are automatically sent to the Portuguese Tax Authority 3 days after the issuance date.

This method of communication provides greater convenience because, with just an initial setup, it ensures that all documents are reported to the Tax Authority in a timely manner, avoiding unnecessary delays and fines.

At the same time, as it gives more control, some accountants prefer the communication via SAF-T file. If you have an accounting service, talk to the person in charge to understand what’s the best communication method for your type of business.

How to activate automatic communication:

  1. From the Menu, click on Invoices.
  2. Click on Preferences ⚙️.
  3. Click on Communication method with A.T..
  4. Select the option Automatic communication.
  5. Enter the Sub user ID and its Password.

! IMPORTANT ! The Sub user ID and its Password are the same credentials that were previously used to connect Rauva with the AT portal. Make sure to use the Sub user ID, instead of the main AT user.

  1. Finally, click on Save changes.

Remember that, if you don’t issue invoices in a given month, you need to communicate to the Tax Authorities the absence of documents issued.

This communication must be done by the 5th day of the following month in which no invoices were issued.

See how here.

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