How to connect to e-commerce

This article will help you link your Shopify or Woocommerce platform with InvoiceXpress, our billing partner.

Requirements (for Supercharged users only)

  1. AT portal credentials are already connected.

    This is done by the accountant during the Accounting Activation Meeting. If this is not done yet, please come back to this article after the meeting.

  2. e-commerce is registered in Portugal and your main currency needs to be EUR

    (e.g., Shopify shops with Portugal as the main region and the main currency as EUR).

  3. API Key and Account Name for the integration.

    To know your API Key and Account Name, please reach out to the support team via the app.

Steps to Connect (using Shopify as an example)

  1. Log in to Shopify Admin and go to the App Market.
  2. We recommend using the official InvoiceXpress integration app and install it.
  3. Open the InvoiceXpress app and go to settings.
  4. Enter your API keys and additional data in the following fields:

      The account name is the name of the InvoiceXpress account.

    2. API_KEY.

      The api key is the unique key that will allow the connection between Shopify and the InvoiceXpress account.

    3. Type of Invoice

      In most cases: Invoice-Receipt, but please check the difference between an Invoice and an Invoice-Receipt, as it will help you with the decision.

      Also, it is highly recommended to create drafts first for testing. After confirming the test was successful, you can change the settings to automatically finalize the document.

      How to create a draft invoice?

      In the ‘Tipo de Fatura’ field, choose ‘Rascunho’.

    4. IVA/VAT Exemptions

      Check with your Accountant to determine applicability.

    5. Save changes
  5. Simulate a test transaction

    How to simulate a test transaction?Make a test Shopify order.

  6. Check if the document is properly issued in the InvoiceXpress widget’s dashboard

    The invoice should have a number in the InvoiceXpress column.

    There should not be any errors (red colored tags).

  7. If everything is working as expected, change the ‘Tipo de Fatura’ to ‘Final’, and it's done!


We do not support integrations with ETSY, Stripe, Marketplace, Amazon.

If you're using one of those platforms, you need to manually issue the corresponding invoice in the Rauva app each time there's an order.

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